Prehistoric Patterns in Python

Lennart Regebro

PyCon PL 2013, Sczcyrk

This talk is going to be about old code patterns, both real and mythical!

Because the standard patterns in Python has changed throughout time, as Python gained more features.


from collections import defaultdict

data = defaultdict(set)


I'll start off with a patterns about dictionaries, and this one is a fairly common pattern.

When you have many values per key, so that every value in your dictionary should be a list or a set or a tuple or another dictionary, or in fact anything mutable, you use a defaultdict.

Essentially, if you access a key that doesn't exist, it creates the key!

We create a defaultdict with in this case a set as the type of the values.

And we can now rely on that any key we use exists, because if it doesn't, then the defaultdict will create a new set for that key.

So we can just add to that key.

But defaultdict only landed in Python in 2.5, so how did you do before this?

Dicts Of Mutables

if key in data:
    data[key] = set([value])

Well, you did your check manually.

Does the key exist in the dictionary?

And if it does, add the value to the existing set.

But if it doesn't, it adds the key with a set as a value.

Now, why do you need to know and recognize this pattern? It's outdated. You won't use it. It only exists in old unmaintained code, right?

Well, I found this example here:



Yeah, Django 1.5.1.

Why? Because the code once supported Python 2.4. It doesn't anymore but nobody has changed it. It works...

And I know what you think now, because I thought it! You think, maybe the clever core developers aren't using defaultdict because it's slow!

defaultdict vs manually







And it isn't. Except on Jython.

Using a defaultdict is 1.6 times faster on CPython, 1.2 times on PyPy, and for some reason less three times as slow on Jython!

I guess the Jython defaultdict implementation is very unoptimized.

Using defaultdict is less code = less bugs and it's faster as well!

What about setdefault?

val = data.setdefault(key, set())

Using setdefault is shorter, and clearer, right? And less code and more clarity means less bugs?


Not only is setdefault misnamed. It sounds like it sets a default. In fact what it does is get a value of a key, and if that key does not exist, then it sets it to a default. Hence most people simply don't know what it does.

Secondly, as you see in the example above, it needs to create an empty set for each call, even if it doesn't actually use it.

val = data.setdefault(key, 0)
data[key] = val + newvalue

So setdefault makes more sense in cases where the default value isn't mutable.

OK, enough about defaultdict. Now let's talk about the standard dictionary!

The dict is in

It has also changed quite a lot throughout time. The most common changed you are likely to encounter are 'keys()' and 'has_key()'.

for x in mydict.keys():

And now you say that keys() is not outdated, but in fact it mostly is. Up until Python 2.1, you had to use the keys() method to get a list if the keys, if you wanted to loop over them for example.

for x in mydict:

Today you would simply do for x in mydict instead. This avoids creating a separate list object and using up memory for that. Sure, you can also use iterkeys(), but there is no point, and iterkeys() is gone in Python 3. So the code shown here is the best way to do it.

keys = mydict.keys()

The same goes for making a list of the keys. The old way is to call keys(). But in Python 3 keys() doesn't return a list anymore.

keys = list(mydict)

So the best way is to not use keys() or iterkeys(), and just pass the dictionary directly to the list constructor.

if mydict.has_key(x):

And the same goes for the old has_key().

if x in mydict:

OK, enough about dictionaries, now let's talk about sets!


Unique values


Fast lookup

Sets are useful, the values in a set must be unique, lookup in sets are fast, although they aren't ordered.

Sets first appeared as a standard library module in Python 2.3, and as a built in type in Python 2.4.

So what did you do before? What else do we have that has Unique values, fast lookup and no ordering?

Sets Before Sets

d = {}
for each in list_of_things:
    d[each] = None

list_of_things = d.keys()

Yes! Dictionary keys! So in fact I lied, this pattern isn't about sets, it's also about dictionaries!

This code example makes a list unique by putting it into a dictionary as keys with a value of None, and then getting a list of keys back.

I could not, to my dissapointment find any examples of this in Django. :-)

Another usage of dictionary keys like this is when you wanted to do very fast lookups. Checking if a value exists in a dictionary is way faster than checking if it exists in a list.

dicts vs lists

Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


This is simply looking if a value exists in a dictionary vs a list. Data is random integers.

And as you see, dictionaries are way faster than lists. So it used to be a pattern that if you needed to do that a lot, you used a dictionary.

sets vs dicts

Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


However, sets are a little bit faster than dictionaries.


Prehistoric code:

retval = []
for tn in template_names:
    retval.extend(search_python(python_code, tn))
retval = list(set(retval))
return retval

Django 1.5.1: extras/

OK, enough with dictionaries for real now. Now lets talk about sorting. This code is also from Django 1.5.1.

First it creates a list to return.

The it fills that list with values.

And makes the list of values unique by converting it into a set, and then back into a list.

And lastly it sorts the list before returning it.


retval = set()
for tn in template_names:
    retval.update(search_python(python_code, tn))
retval = list(retval)
return retval

Now of course, the first mistake in this code is to use a list in the first place. That's not a prehistoric pattern, I think it's just a mistake in the code in this case, likely the list(set()) call was added later than the main loop.

Sure, updating lists are faster than updating sets, but first creating a long list and then making it a set is not faster than using a set from the start.


retval = set()
for tn in template_names:
    retval.update(search_python(python_code, tn))
return sorted(retval)

But the point here is this change. Instead of creating a list and then sorting it, you can now use sorted().

Because less lines means less bugs.

Now in the earlier case we know that the variable was a list, because we just made the set into a list. But in other cases you don't know it. And sorted() takes any iterable. It can be a list, or set or a generator. This makes the code more robust.

Calling sort() on an existing list is a little bit faster than calling sorted on the list, as it ends up creating a new list. But the difference is very small.

Sorting with cmp

sorted = catalog_sequence[:]
sorted.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.modified(), y.modified()))
return sorted

Plone 4.0: Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/

The next old sorting pattern is all about speed. And this is nothing you will find in Django 1.5, because this doesn't even work under Python 3.

So this example is from Plone, and in fact an old version of Plone, Plone 4.0.

As you see here, this code first take a copy of the list, which is a good indication that this is old, this code is from the time when Plone still supported Python 2.3. Another indication is that it calls the copy "sorted".

But I already covered sort() vs sorted(), for clarity I'll refactor this code to use sorted and also use a function instead of a lambda, because it's easier to read.

Sorting with cmp

def compare(x, y):
    return cmp(x.modified(), y.modified())

return sorted(catalog_sequence, cmp=compare)

This is easier to read, but it has the same end-result.

And we see that the core of this is that it compares each object on the modification date.

But since this uses a comparison method, it means it compares pairs of objects. And the longer the list is, the more pairs are possible!



# calls

Per item













Reference: Jarret Hardie in Python Magazine

Reference: Jarret Hardie in Python Magazine

Sorting with key

def get_key(x):
    return x.modified()

return sorted(catalog_sequence, key=get_key)

But also since Python 2.4 we can sort with a key function instead.

The function now got much simpler, and has only one call. But how does the statistics look for how many calls the function gets?

Average # Calls


# calls

Per item













Yeah, you get exactly one call per item, always. With the earlier code, we get in average 680,000 calls to the modified() method when sorting 40.000 items.

Now we get 40,000 calls. That's 1/17th the amount of calls. Which essentially means that sorting 40,000 items takes just a tenth of the time.

Conditional Expressions

first_choice = include_blank and blank_choice or []

Django-1.5.1: django/db/models/

This looks like a logic expression, but it isn't. It's a sneaky conditonal! If means that if include_blank is True, then first_choice gets set to blank_choice other wise it's an empty list.

But blank_choice is a parameter. What if it is something that evaluates to false, like a None or an empty set?

Yes: first_choice will be an empty list, not what you pass in as blank_choice.

In this example from Django, this is not an important issue, because a blank blank_choice makes no sense. But a blank blank_choice should really result in an error because explicit is better than implicit.

Conditional Expressions

first_choice = blank_choice if include_blank else []

This is the new syntax for one line conditionals. When I say "New" I mean since Python 2.5.

Constants and Loops

const = 5 * 3.5
result = 0
for each in some_iterable:
    result += const

This is a pattern that was suggested to me that I should bring up. And I wasn't going to do it until I started benchmarking it.

Here we see something simple, calculating a constant outside the loop. That should speed up the loop, right because you don't have to calculate the constant, right?

Outside vs Inside

5 * 3.5

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


Well, kinda. It used to be much faster, but since Python 2.5 it isn't. CPython will find that multiplication and calculate only once. In Jython it's still marginally faster to calculate it outside.

PyPy of course is ridicolously fast with this code, it does this some 30-40 times faster than Python 2.7.

Outside vs Inside

5 / 3.5

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


So if you have a division in the calculation, the Python 2.7 gets slow again!

Python 3.3 and PyPy are still fine, though.

But of course, my example is stupid. 5 * 3.5 is actually 17.5, so when you have constants, you can simply change the code to the constant! Problem solved!

result = len(some_iterable) * 17.5

Outside vs Inside

const = 5 * a_var
result = 0
for each in some_iterable:
    result += each * const

Here the constant is "semi-constant" and we multiply with each item in the iterable. This makes more sense.

Outside vs Inside

each * 5 * a_var

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


Now the optimization dissappeared. Calculating the constant outside of the loop is now faster again.

Except on PyPy which still succeeds in optimizing this.

Outside vs Inside

each * 5 ** a_var

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


Unless you use a power in the calculation of the constant, where PyPy's optimization also dissapears!

On PyPy it's now 33 times faster to calculate this constant outside the loop! But still twice as fast as Python 2.7.

So this pattern turns out not to be prehistoric at all!

You should calculate constants outside of the loop.

String Concatenation

self._leftover = b''.join([bytes, self._leftover])

Django 1.5.1: django/http/, Line 355

And now, the prehistoric pattern that was the catalyst for this talk.

You'll hear many people claiming that concatenating strings with + is slow, and that doing a join is faster. But, since CPython 2.5 there are optimizations in string concatenation, so now it is fast.

But of course, not on PyPy. At least according to the PyPy people. Unless you have a compile time parameter, apparently.

So let's look at the benchmarks.

__add__ vs .join

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


These benchmarks have been a big problem. It's been very hard to get something sensible, simple, that measures actual concatention, and doesn't get completely optimized away by PyPy.

And this is the best I can do. It adds strings between 0 and 999 characters long. There is overhead in the tests, but I believe that it's not enough to make a significant difference to the numbers.

And you see that using addition to concatenate is faster. Even on Python 2.4!

So where does this claim that join is faster come from? I think this is a big misunderstandning.

The Misunderstanding

This is slow:

result = ''
for text in make_a_lot_of_text():
    result = result + text
return result

The Misunderstanding

Much faster:

texts = make_a_lot_of_text()
result = ''.join(texts)
return result

__add__ vs .join

Python 2.4


Python 2.7


Python 3.3


PyPy 1.9


Jython 2.7


Many Copies

result = ''
for text in make_a_lot_of_text():
    result = result + text
return result


texts = make_a_lot_of_text()
result = ''.join(texts)
return result

The Misunderstanding

self._leftover = bytes + self._leftover

This only copies each of the strings once.

The Misunderstanding

self._leftover = b''.join([bytes, self._leftover])

Django 1.5.1: django/http/, Line 355

This also copies the strings ony once, but it goes via creating a list. And creating that list also takes time.

When to Use What?

So if adding strings are fast when you are adding two strings, and joining is fast if you have many strings, where is the breakpoint?

Well, it depends. It depends on how long your strings are and how many you have. With typical cases it seems join() is faster on CPython at somewhere around 4-5 strings.

With PyPy up to ten strings are still as fast to use addition as to use join, and I stopped testing there because it was getting silly.

Closing Concatenation Conclusion

I like alliteration. Can you tell?

The conclusion is that you should do what feels natural. If the easiest way to concatenate a bunch of strings is by using +, then do that. If the strings you have are in a list or generated in a loop, then use join.

And it's the same with calculating constants outside of the loop. It feels like it should be faster, and it often is. Python is such a fantastic language partly because what intuitively feels like the right thing to do, tends to in fact be the right thing to do.


Thanks to everyone who suggested outdated idioms, even if I didn't include them:

Radomir Dopieralski, James Tauber, Sasha Matijasic, Brad Allen, Antonio Sagliocco, Doug Hellman, Domen Kožar, Christophe Simonis

Made with Hovercraft!

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